Friday, February 27, 2009


Who can properly define love when the twists and turns are so many; so treacherous, painful, yet exhilarating!! What happens when a person decides to open their heart and allow somebody to caress the tenderest point of ones humanity?? There, at the point of touch the person makes the decision to either squeeze the most sensitive and vulnerable part of you to cause you the ultimate degree of pain or they can decide to gently massage your sensitive point until you can not contend with happiness any longer.

It takes a brave person to open up themselves like that and to trust- not knowing whether the one we have chosen, will puncture us or care for us! So why do we do it?? Why do we decide to place such a delicate thing in the hands of another?? Is it that we thrive on pain??? Is it that, we have been socialised into it and thus we know nothing more than to place our most private part into the hand of a human being?? Or is it that the idea of finding that one person to cause overwhelming happiness causes us to continuously hand our heart as if it were a party favour??

It is so difficult to decipher whether the heart is in a protected zone because, in an instant one is the recipient of such an incredible massage that it propels you into an orgasmic euphoria and there, you begin to believe that indeed happiness is possible!! You then become addicted and require more of this drug, so you make more of your heart available (you make yourself even more vulnerable) and that is when you feel the sudden surge of pain!! After you have become comfortable and more trusting- that is when the dagger is thrust into the heart and like a simple inflated balloon being pricked, the very substance that keeps the heart alive begins to slowly dissolve into absolute anguish!

After a season, you feel recuperated and the vicious cycle continues and through the pain, your only hope is that one day the orgasmic euphoria will be everlasting.

Ah well, have a splendid evening!! I bid you adieu! Arriverderci!! Sayonara!!

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