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Hey there guys, it's me again!!I just wanted to tell you about my Sabbath yesterday and my day today because i can tell you without hesitation that i was truly blessed! Yesterday, Jenin preached at the Agape Seventh Day Adventist church and i did not favour the sermon because my cousin was the one preaaching. I enjoyed the sermon because i thought truly that God was working through her to bring a message to the congregation. She preached about the fact that Satan is trying his best to take control of us to follow him and keep us out of Heaven! She gave stories about a man named Morneau who suggested that the Devil is making it his business to trap Seventh Day Adventists so that our work for God would be inhibited.She told the church a story about this particular group of people who thought they were seeing angels of God and as a result, the angels told them to leave the church and they did and the angels went as far as convincing them that they had to rid the world of certain people who were demon possessed! That is what the people believed and truly they thought that God's angels were the ones guiding them, so they had no problems with committing murder because it was commanded by "god's angels"! But really. what was happening is that Satan's Angels were impersonating themselves as angels of light and as a result those people got caught up! However, the Bible declares that if we are grounded and we remain grounded in the word of the Lord, we will be able to recognize these impersonators and shun them in the name of Jesus and with the word of God.Satan is trying hard each day to take control of our lives and as a result prevent us from praising, worshipping and witnessing as we are supposed to.Yesterday, during Jenin's sermon, i tell you that i could seriously feel the presence of God. God did not only work through Jenin with her sermon but also in song and seriously when she sang "holy spirit come and feel this place" God was no doubt in the Agape Seventh Day Adventist church. That was not the end of such a movimg sermon, she called on the church to come forward for prayer and she asked all of the elders to come on the pulpit! Elder Tyrone James prayed for the youth of the church, then Elder Mervin Mark prayed for the children and Elder Magdalene prayed and I tell you, that was the moment where every heart in the church was touched. My cousins cried (Norsika and Brad) and my heart melted. Sis Magdalene prayed for the church and she called upon the Holy Spirit and she begged him to forgive us, she begged him to come upon us, she begged him for everything possible and i can truly say that the holy spirit came upon each heart and softened even the hardest of hearts. Yesterday, was no doubt, a glorious sabbath day and I am so very pleased that I am a Seventh Day Christian and that God has called each and every one of us to work for Him in some way or another!Now after i was soo sincerely blessed yesterday, Elder Matthew and a group of youth(Norsika, Shervane, Cordia, Ryan, Brad, Diane and I) went out to work in a small community in Blanchard called "Tee Too" where we prayed with everyone who desired prayer and gave tracts to them also and seriously that was a blessing! We had fun in the holy spirit! We gave out tracts to any and everybody and we prayed with the people who asked for prayer! There was this instant, where Norsika (my cousin and I), left our group and we went lower down to two elderly people's homes and i tell you, i was definitely blessed! The second lady that we prayed with cried whilst i was praying for her and she was sooo moved that after the prayer, she couldnt stop thanking us! She even offered us mangoes, in order to thank us some more! I can tell you that it is no doubt very important to work for God because you feel a joy greater than any joy possible!!So i urge you to read your bibles and work for God as best you can because that is all we can do in this life!Nothing in this life is worth more than serving , praising, worshipping, and witnessing for God! We should never forget that! At some point, no matter where we are, we should just be able to say "Holy Spirit come and fill this place" and then we will see God move mountains in our lives! Give God all the praise, nothing in this life is greater than Him! We will be going around to pray for people in different communities every Sunday, so i urge you to do the same thing in your community! Share the love of our great God, who sent His son upon the cross to die for our wretched sins!!!!!Thank you for the listening ear guys!! I will talk to you soon! Adios!!!!!
Hi there guys, it's me again!! Im sorry, i have been completely ignoring you for the past two weeks!! But listen, i have a very good excuse!! I have been asleep!! I am serious, i have been sleeping for two weeks! There were moments where i appeared to be awake, but really, i was only sleep walking, like, when i went to church this morning, i appeared completely awake but the fact is my memory of today is very hazy!! We had communion, i think!! Yeah, we had communion today, to celebrate Jesus and His shedding of blood upon the cross and the passover, where He washed each of the disciples feet(we do wash each other's feet, ya know?) and then after we had the symbols of the unleaven bread and unfermented wine (grape juice)....Yeah and AY was cool.....obviously!!!Sister Magdalene took up AY, and seriously, i think everything Sister Magdalene is involved in, in church is always powerful , educational and very meaningful.....Anyway dudes, i would like you to meet my second Mom! Her name is Wendy Monrose! I have spoken about her in my Introduction! My past teacher, you know.....the bossy one?, this would be her! I can tell you that when i was at Secondary school, she was an incredible teacher and any subject she taught, you would fall in love with it because she taught so forcefully!! I have gotten the pleasure of knowing Wendy and i can tell you that she is very very very bossy and is an amazing friend and teacher!! Very intelligent and incredibly wise and she makes it her duty to impart her knowledge upon me! I always ask her advice on any subject because i know that she will always stir me in the right direction! She is also a very opinionated, independent and strong willed individual! There are very few adjectives to describe the person of Wendy Monrose because she is the most complex and wonderful being in my life! I will not endeavour to explain her further but i will tell you this, she is one person that i have great admiration for and i would like to become a woman as amazing, gifted, wise, independent and as generous as she is!!!Oh yeah.....i forgot, i also aspire to be as savage as she only kidding, she is not savage, i just like telling her that she tell her please!! I'd like her to go on thinking that I think she is savage......cause to tell you the truth, she kinda, i love and appreciate everything about her, so dont mind me please!! Anyway, i just wanted you to meet my mother and now you have!! By the way, i have the two cutest baby brother and'mii is the cutest boy in the world!!!!!!Im gonna go now guys!!! Talk to you soon i hope!! Arriverderci!!!!
Hey there, it's me again!I have been wanting to put Myia Samuel on this blog for awhile now because i have spoken about her a whole lot! But seriously, take a look at this pic.....doesnt she look a bit nuts???I thought i should get a better picture but then, i decided against it!! This shows her true colors!!! Now Myia is someone i have been emulating from the day i was born and as a result I am is incredibly smart!Everything she does, she does it to the best of her ability!She is very generous and ridiculously funny!!She is funny to a point of insanity!!! She always tells the truth, despite the fact that it may hurt!! I have looked up to Myia for a very long time and I am proud of her very "special" personality!! She jokes with you now and ten seconds later, an explosion can take place!!! She has been there ALOT for me!! Being my big sister and my my best friend!!Although our relationship was slightly injured when she went off to study, but no one and nothing can replace this weird, loving, crazy, funny, beautiful person in my life!!!You know, sometime ago, we had a fight because she had said that i replaced her with a particular individual!! I just thought she should be reminded that "she is, no doubt, irreplaceable"Anyway, i have got to say, Ciao!!!!
Hey guys, it's me again!! I would like you to meet "duh cheese"! His actual name is Matthew Kisna and he is married to Jenin! You remember Jenin, dont you? There is a picture of her in my Introduction and just to further refresh your memory "the cause of all my problems", Jenin and Matthew have been married for a while now and he still thinks Jenin is "purrfect".....Love i say, is sooooo kidding!! But seriously, Matthew, is a great guy, he is kind, intelligent, wise and funny in a weirdo sort of, he is funny! He is really caring and a very nice young man altogether! I think Jenin made the one right choice in her entire is a great older brother for me and an amazing christian!He loves and fears God and he believes that nothing should be more important than following Christ and preaching His word to all!!I really admire him and Im very proud of him as a person!!Now, the truth about him....He thinks he is duh cheese and what i mean by this is, he thinks he is just soooooo fuh---ine!!If you say something like"Matt, you look nice today".....His response will be either, "I know" or "I always look nice"....Just before he leaves the house, he must always check to see if any hairs are out of hairs?.....He is bald!!!!What do you think????? Is he "duh cheese"????......Ummmmmmmmmmmm....Nah!!!! in Jenin's eyes!!!.....Im only kidding Matty!!!Adios dudes!!!!!
Hey there guys, its me again!! Im sure in the earlier picture of Denis and I, you noticed something very different about my hair!! Well, i grew it over!! I dont know if this was the makeover that Jenin and Myia were looking for but at least, they got one! This was the best i could do without getting anything completely shaved off!!! what i plan to do is leave this in my hair for an extremely long time! I intend to allow my natural hair to grow over the braids and when it has turned to locks completely, then i will cut off the ends of the braids!!! What do you think? Nasty, huh? Well, who cares what you think??? Definitely, not me!!! I think the new look goes with me pretty well!!Anyway, i went to church yesterday and it was awesome!! Actually, i wanted t0 go to Mon repos because it was the final sabbath of the crusade but Im glad i did not go! In fact, i decided to go to my church, the Desruisseaux Agape Seventh Day Adventist Church, and i was truly blessed by the entire service!! Sister Magdalene did the sermon.It was based on the story where Jesus came into the temple and he became angry when he saw that the people transformed His holy place into a market place! A place where people bought and sold and if you were poor, it would be impossible to enter the temple!!She spoke of the fact that, the people's menatlity was this; if you had money, Heaven would be easily accessible to you but if you were poor, Heaven would be an impossibility!!When Jesus walked into the temple and he saw all these things happening in a place that was supposed to be considered holy, a place where people were supposed to come in freely to worship His Father and to Pray, He became angry!!! He had every right to portray anger!!Not only was He angry because of their actions in the temple but he was angry because on His way to the temple, He saw the blind, the poor, the lame, begging for enough money to buy a dove to sacrifice, so their children would be saved!!This was not His Father's teachings, this was not written in the word!Jesus was angry and He ensured that the persons who were using Christ's temple as a market place knew what they were doing and knew exactly who He was: the Son of God!! He healed the lame, blind, deaf and weary and Nicodemus was so amazed by Him.....Come on, you need to read this for yourself!!! See, how the Bible is interesting? You need to read the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John!! They are truly incredible!!Anyway, I have got to say Adieu!!!
Hey guys! It's me again! Im sorry that I have been missing in action( i was a bit busy)!Anyway, i have been very good! I went to church at Mon Repos on Saturday, It was awesome!!Im always blessed by Pastor Biscette! Sunday, i cant remember much but i was fully hunger i mean)! Monday and Tuesday were busy days at Clendon Mason (putting in grades and all that jazz)! Took up most of my energy!But i have to look at the bright side of every aspect , so the bright side is, "staying late at Clendon Mason is better than nothing because i do not have a life and I cant stay away, so i come back very early the next morning" The very wise words of Michelle true, Im not embarrassed at alll! Not one bit! As i have told you before, I am very proud of my lack of "activities" guys, i would like to introduce you to my cousin! He is the one i was talking about in the "Introduction" His name is Brad and I have known him my entire life! In fact we were born in the same month being only a few days apart! Naturally, Im the older one!!! We went to pre school together and then off to primary school! We spent a good bit of time at primary school, fighting and being very good friends! Then we parted when we moved on to secondary school and A level! Though we did not go to the same schools after primary, I felt that i knew all of the students that he knew and vice versa because we made it our business to talk about everything that happened and continued to happen in our lives!! I can safely say that i can talk to Denis about every and anything! He is an excellent listener and adviser and an even better confidante! I have known him all my life (literally) and there is absolutely nothing bad i can say about him (except maybe......when we were really young, he used to grow his nails and when we used to fight, he used to scratch than that, I know that he is smart....incredibly smart!!!! Selfless, in that, he can never say no! Every and anything you ask him to do, he will!!Unless it's porn and Im not even sure he'd say no to kidding!!! Im not sure if Im kidding! He would give until he had nothing left to give and I am not making this up!!!!I know he sounds perfect but he is not!! He is as crazy as I am!! Or even more so!! He gives the weirdest, meanest and nastiest jokes!! He has a special sense of humour that i totally get and he is just without a doubt nuts!! If you spent an hour with him, you would either be laughing your butt off or thinking about the easiest way to kill laugh whilst thinking of the easiest way to kill him!!!! We just say we are crazy and we accept it and look on the very bright sideof our craziness " you can either love us or hate us and sooner or later those who hate us, will love us"That's right dudes! It's the truth and by the way, how do you think he looks in this picture? He thinks he doesnt look good in pix! Oh and dont think your opinion is worth much even though you took your cool time to express yourself!!! We just will not care either way!!!!Bye y'all!! Talk to you soon, you hear??