Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Meet my CUZ

Hey guys! It's me again! Im sorry that I have been missing in action( i was a bit busy)!Anyway, i have been very good! I went to church at Mon Repos on Saturday, It was awesome!!Im always blessed by Pastor Biscette! Sunday, i cant remember much but i was fully satisfied...lol....(my hunger i mean)! Monday and Tuesday were busy days at Clendon Mason (putting in grades and all that jazz)! Took up most of my energy!But i have to look at the bright side of every aspect , so the bright side is, "staying late at Clendon Mason is better than nothing because i do not have a life and I cant stay away, so i come back very early the next morning" The very wise words of Michelle Martie.....lol....Its true, Im not embarrassed at alll! Not one bit! As i have told you before, I am very proud of my lack of "activities"......lol......
Anyway guys, i would like to introduce you to my cousin! He is the one i was talking about in the "Introduction" His name is Brad and I have known him my entire life! In fact we were born in the same month being only a few days apart! Naturally, Im the older one!!! We went to pre school together and then off to primary school! We spent a good bit of time at primary school, fighting and being very good friends! Then we parted when we moved on to secondary school and A level! Though we did not go to the same schools after primary, I felt that i knew all of the students that he knew and vice versa because we made it our business to talk about everything that happened and continued to happen in our lives!! I can safely say that i can talk to Denis about every and anything! He is an excellent listener and adviser and an even better confidante! I have known him all my life (literally) and there is absolutely nothing bad i can say about him (except maybe......when we were really young, he used to grow his nails and when we used to fight, he used to scratch me......OUCH.......lol....)Other than that, I know that he is smart....incredibly smart!!!! Selfless, in that, he can never say no! Every and anything you ask him to do, he will!!Unless it's porn and Im not even sure he'd say no to that......lol....Im kidding!!! Im not sure if Im kidding! He would give until he had nothing left to give and I am not making this up!!!!
I know he sounds perfect but he is not!! He is as crazy as I am!! Or even more so!! He gives the weirdest, meanest and nastiest jokes!! He has a special sense of humour that i totally get and he is just without a doubt nuts!! If you spent an hour with him, you would either be laughing your butt off or thinking about the easiest way to kill him......lol....I laugh whilst thinking of the easiest way to kill him!!!! We just say we are crazy and we accept it and look on the very bright side
of our craziness " you can either love us or hate us and sooner or later those who hate us, will love us"

That's right dudes! It's the truth and by the way, how do you think he looks in this picture? He thinks he doesnt look good in pix! Oh and dont think your opinion is worth much even though you took your cool time to express yourself!!! We just will not care either way!!!!

Bye y'all!! Talk to you soon, you hear??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.