Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Make...... "something"

Hey there guys, its me again!! Im sure in the earlier picture of Denis and I, you noticed something very different about my hair!! Well, i grew it over!! I dont know if this was the makeover that Jenin and Myia were looking for but at least, they got one! This was the best i could do without getting anything completely shaved off!!! what i plan to do is leave this in my hair for an extremely long time! I intend to allow my natural hair to grow over the braids and when it has turned to locks completely, then i will cut off the ends of the braids!!! What do you think? Nasty, huh? Well, who cares what you think??? Definitely, not me!!! I think the new look goes with me pretty well!!
Anyway, i went to church yesterday and it was awesome!! Actually, i wanted t0 go to Mon repos because it was the final sabbath of the crusade but Im glad i did not go! In fact, i decided to go to my church, the Desruisseaux Agape Seventh Day Adventist Church, and i was truly blessed by the entire service!! Sister Magdalene did the sermon.It was based on the story where Jesus came into the temple and he became angry when he saw that the people transformed His holy place into a market place! A place where people bought and sold and if you were poor, it would be impossible to enter the temple!!She spoke of the fact that, the people's menatlity was this; if you had money, Heaven would be easily accessible to you but if you were poor, Heaven would be an impossibility!!
When Jesus walked into the temple and he saw all these things happening in a place that was supposed to be considered holy, a place where people were supposed to come in freely to worship His Father and to Pray, He became angry!!! He had every right to portray anger!!
Not only was He angry because of their actions in the temple but he was angry because on His way to the temple, He saw the blind, the poor, the lame, begging for enough money to buy a dove to sacrifice, so their children would be saved!!This was not His Father's teachings, this was not written in the word!Jesus was angry and He ensured that the persons who were using Christ's temple as a market place knew what they were doing and knew exactly who He was: the Son of God!! He healed the lame, blind, deaf and weary and Nicodemus was so amazed by Him.....
Come on, you need to read this for yourself!!! See, how the Bible is interesting? You need to read the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John!! They are truly incredible!!

Anyway, I have got to say Adieu!!!


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