Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hell Fire

Hey guys, its me again! Just saying hola! I went to church today, if I did not tell you, I am a Seventh Day Adventist christian!I had a wonderful day at church!We had a day of teaching today and we were basically discussing the coming of Christ, hell fire and so on! I understood a great deal from our young elder, Bruno Flerin!What he was saying is that, most christians believe that when Jesus comes the wicked people will be sent to hell and they will be burnt for an eternity!But he explained it with the help of scripture!He suggested that, what the bible says is that the wicked will be destroyed with an eternal fire and they will be burned till they become ash!Now this eternal fire is not a fire that will keep burning forever and ever!The fire is eternal because it is that of Christ, it is a Christ burning fire but it does not suggest that the fire will keep on burning and the wicked will continue burning and burning!If that were the case, then all the wicked people in the world are still burning now even though, their existence on this earth was many decades ago!Now, if this is so, doesn't this suggest that the wicked have eternal life?No matter what, if they are still burning in hell's fire and they are not dying, then obviously, they have eternal life!Now, this is very incorrect, if we study our bible carefully, we will recognize that the Bible suggests that when God comes the second time, then shall the wicked be destroyed by this eternal fire that will cause them to turn to ashes!Others have believed, that when we die, we automatically go to Heaven but the Bible does not suggest this either!The bible suggests in Ecclesiastes, Matthew and many other books that when we die, we become dust and the breath that he had given us, goes back up to Heaven!But we remain dead or in this state of sleep until His second coming!Then, the bible suggests thet, "the dead in Christ shall rise first, and they will be caught up to meet Him in the air"So it is incorrect to believe that when we die, we automatically go up to Heaven!If that were the case, then what would be the purpose of the second coming?
Anyway, I just wanted to inform you as to what I learned today!It was a good day!I have had a good lunch and I just had a piece of cheesecake that Lydia Atkins made for Jenin's husband, Matthew! Im sure you remember know, the cause of all my, the individual in the pic is her Mom!My aunt and my other parent, a fabulous woman indeed!Kind, generous and loving!

Bye y'all!!Im going to get ready to go back to church!!Ciao!!

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