Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Lities

Hi there guys!I would like to introduce you to the Lities!These are the greatest Literature students that A Level ever came into contact with(Nelsha is missing though).We were called "The Lities" at A Level because we had our own little literature world!We used to insult other students so eloquently, with Shakesspeare and so used to give jokes and surprisingly enough we were the only ones who got the gist of our me to introduce them, starting from the left side, we have Kendy Jean.The voice of reason in our group.Always saying we shouldnt do this or that and she always felt bad for somebody whom we probably slaughtered with our tongues! Of course, you know me!I have always been crazy and quite mean when it comes to some people(i tell them what i think, thats all)Anyway, next to me, on your right, would be Lovely St Aime!She is a wonderful person, really intelligent and the great thing about her is that she doesnt care what anybody thinks so she would say exactly what she thought!A model Litie, I would to Lovely, is Kaiser Taylor, very intelligent, a wonderful friend with a deadly tongue!When Kaiser tells you what she thinks of you, make sure that you are in a cullet proof vessel because she will shoot you and cut you up like you're always liked that about her!!Now Nelsha is not in the pic but I can not talk about the Lities and leave her out!Thats just not right and she would probably kill me!Now Nelsha Roseman, completed our group and our wonderful personalities!She is very intelligent and nice to only the people she likes!Everybody is afraid of Nelsha, and rightly so because she could be sooooo mean!In the most eloquent and Litie way, she would explain exactly what she thought of you and she would always finish up her statemants with an oh so subtle threat...."If i had my gun today"....or....."i would really like to see you dead" that and love her....Anyway, we had a motto that we went by in our Group, which was "a litie by a litie valiantly vanquished" ....we were so nuts and I miss that!!O well actually, there were a few set of students who hated our guts at A Level!They took everything we said, personally!Their names were Vernicia Badal and her loyal worshippers, Ksha and Antonia!Those girls just hated us and for some reason we enjoyed every minute of their hatred!Everything that they said we made more fun of them to get them even threatened to fight us after exams but that didnt happen.....But we had fun with our enemies!In fact, at some point our voice of reason was feeling sorry for them and so she thought we should lessen our mean attitude and words towards them!....I tried, I called them on the streets and at school and I said hello everytime I saw them!It infuriated them and I loved every moment!! tried dropping remarks at us but you should know that nobody can beat the Lities!!!Men, we had fun!!!At school, in our Sociology classes we used to get them more upset because everytime one of us answered a question, they got pissed off!But what they failed to realise is that they were basically idiots, well Antonia and Ksha, to be more you are reading this guys, I do not know about now but at A Level, you were total idiots!The Lities knew their work so we could kid around!You did not anything but you thought we acted superior, so all throughout Al evel, instead of studying, you concentrated on us!!Oh well, too bad!I hope you are wiser

Anyway guys, i have got to go!Remember though, "A litie by a Litie, valiantly vanquished!"

Later Lities!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, i would like to know who is your friend - Lovely St Aime. The reason that I ask is because I too carry the same last name, and as far as I have been informed, anyone with this last name is family, and I have never heard of a Lovely St Aime before in St Lucia. Well I hope to hear your reply. Feel free to contact me